public.lesson 6/10 | Tiempo de estudio: 10 Min

Ms. Marquez: Okay, class. I want to ask you a question. What does this say?

Class: Holiday.

Ms. Marquez: Yes. Holiday. What is a holiday? Anybody?

Jagraj: A special day. No work.

Mrs. Park: And no school.

Ms. Marquez: Right. Most people __________ or go to school on holidays because they're special days.

Let's take a look at some important holidays in the United States.

New Year's Day is __________________.

Independence Day _______ July 4th.

Veteran's Day is November 11th.

Christmas _______ December 25th.

Ms. Marquez: Let's review the holidays we just saw. When i_______New Year's Day?

Lana: January 1st.

Ms. Marquez: Right. January 1st _________ New Year's Day because it's the first day of the new year.

How about Independence Day? When ______ _____?

Mrs. Park: July 4th.

Ms. Marquez: Right. In the United States, Independence Day ________July 4th. In fact, most Americans just call it the 4th of July.

When is Veteran's Day?

Jane: November 11th.

Ms. Marquez: That's right, Jane. Veteran's Day ________ November 11th.

How about Christmas? When is Christmas Day?

Celia December 25th.

Ms. Marquez: Right. Christmas Day is December 25th.